Art: Declaration of Intent - Savanna Edition


~ Declare Your Intention for Healing! ~ Declaration of Intent is a powerful message of self-love and the commitment to self-healing, and an dramatic addition to your sacred space for healing office, meditation room, or simpy your oasis at home. These profound words express over sunrise on the African Savanna.
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  • Art: Declaration of Intent - Savanna Edition

    ~ Declare Your Intention for Healing! ~

    Declaration of Intent is a powerful message of self-love and the commitment to self-healing, and an dramatic addition to your sacred space for healing office, meditation room, or simpy your oasis at home. These profound words express over sunrise on the African Savanna.

    The text reads:

    I am here to Love Myself.

    I am here to re-establish a relationship of gentleness and
    kindness with myself.
    As I do this for myself, I do this for others.

    I am here to rediscover that I am born free of guilt,
    I am worthy and whole.
    As I see this in myself, I see this in others.

    I am willing to let go of who I’ve thought I should be.
    I am willing to enter the adventure of who I really am.

    I am willing to light the lanterns of self-love, so that I may see
    my inner beauty, my original innocence, and genuine gifts.
    As I discover these in myself, I discover them in all others.

    I am here to know the truth.
    I am an offspring of Divine Love, born in the image and
    likeness of God.

    As I see the Divine in myself, I see the Divine in all others.

    This is a premium art print on high-quality luster paper for a glossy look that is resistant to fingerprints.

    Available in three standard frame sizes:

    * 8-1/2 inches x 11 inches
    * 11 inches x 14 inches
    * 16 inches x 20 inches

    Order your copy today!

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